Notre Dame
Notre Dame

Notre Dame.


MiR Dance Company Gelsenkirchen


Musiktheater im Revier Gelsenkirchen


30th May 2021


Atmo Music Productions, Giulio Donati & Simone Donati


Patrick Fuchs


Giuseppe Spota


Olaf Roth


Giuseppe Spota

It’s considered a practice to integrate all walks of life from opinions, religions, ethnicities, genders, sexualities… Since when did we need to practice diversity?
We’ve done well at creating borders. Borders between countries, borders between neighborhoods, borders between civilizations, politics, races, genders, sexualities, and even the handicapped. The list of differences remains giant, but everything we see and taste is diverse, too, so surely it’s more common than we think. There’s the world we live in alone, and the world we live in together. The first is our own mind, inside our thoughts and realizations. Within our own worlds lives diversity. These borders, they’ve been up a long time, isolating us. Borders directly influence the vacant support for one another. Between regions, we have different rules. It is an involuntary way of becoming alone.

If we shared, would we then be more aligned? How difficult is it to accept that diversity not only surrounds us but is within us, too? When we accept, life could be easier for all.

Previous work Requiem
Next work Orfeo